Thursday, January 31

Moving along...

Globe number two was covered in plaster and sanded, yesterday. I need to patch it and sand more before painting can begin.
Here is the tile that hit my head. I think I can fix it.

This is my favorite, of the tiles, mom made for me. I just love it! Good thing this one didn't fall on me, it is thick!

Thursday is Kick Ass Chick day

Who's that's me! Why am I kick ass?...because last night while cooking dinner the sky fell on my head!
Mr. Eleven and I were cooking up a typical meat and potatoes meal. I had just brought the steak in from the grill in the yard. The mashed potatoes were perfect. I was just about to get the frozen peas and corn started. But the bag of peas was frozen solid. So I banged it against the wall in an attempt to loosen it up. But I loosened the wrong thing. It was then that I felt immense pain on my head! One of the lovely tiles my mom made out of clay, that I hung above the door in the kitchen, fell off the wall when the peas hit! It hit me squarely on the crown of my head..ouch! Lucky for me I had the bag of peas in my hand, ready to use as a cold compress on the wound. Since my head still hurts, I get to be Kick Ass Chick today!
I did a few of these, quick self portraits when I was doing the actual, KAC paintings. This is my favorite one. I was also running my dog walking biz at that time. The dog walking enabled me to paint. I made up the dog. But he sure reminds me of Frankenstein.

Wednesday, January 30

What is in the funny papers, Wednesday

These are the last 3 panels from Midsummer Day Dreams by Windsor M'cay 1911. Basically, in the preceding 6 panels the man drowns on and the women keeps seeing dogs run under the table and finally this huge one climbs on it. I don't know why this one appeals to me so much. But I do know my mind starts to wander when Mr. Eleven starts talking about computer or guitar issues. I assume this was a long running comic. But I only have this one panel. I wonder if her daydreams were always of dogs? Somehow, sleep deprivation induced hallucination's seem romantic to me. Maybe, on the other hand, she had a good nights sleep and he is just a boring wanker. I mean in 1911, 100 bucks a week seems like a lot to live on, blah blah blah..I am starting to see puppies too!

Tuesday, January 29

Moving along...

We are getting used to having the new kitchen/studio set up. All those years living in our New York apt. paid off. It just feels normal. I got another globe started and the first one has been signed and dated.
The gallery is having a group show on Feb 15th. I brought a few little paintings in to pick one for the show. The globe is going to be submitted for sure.

Monday, January 28

What is in the back yard...

Eastern Blue Birds! OK, so I look out my window on Saturday and see not only blue birds, but Waxwings and Yellow Warblers and Robins. So much color! I took some photos. When I down loaded them I realized Mr Eleven had-had his paws on the camera again. He loves to shoot in black and white. He doesn't love to return the camera to the settings I like. I was so upset. So, I tried out my paint shop pro program for the first time and set it on oil paint. It is pretty clumsy painting. I actually had fun fake painting. But it is like having sex with a radio..not for me! I'll take turp fumes and the organic flow of the real thing, thank you. But I must say it was fun!
On Sunday I made sure the camera was set on color and caught this group enjoying a morning pretty!

A Man for Monday

Joseph Beuys is one of my favorite artists. This image of him is from his, performance: How to Explain painting to a dead hare, 1965. He talked a lot about using non-traditional materials, among other things, to find your true medium/voice. I spent a lot of time trying non traditional things to make art with. Like tar, resin, found objects, building materials. But in the end I found I could express myself best with paint, oil paint. I like the dirty bunnies in the foreground.