Friday, September 11

Friday September 11,

I went back and read what I posted a year ago today, you can read it here.

This morning Frankenstein and I went on our walk like we do each day. I had not realized it was the 11th. The perfect blue sky and hint of Fall in the air, reminded me of that day. I took a deep breath and let the memories breeze through my mind. I let them run like a movie. Then I bent down and retrieved the poop Frankenstein had just made. It wasn't until I got home I realized the date.

I actually walked 2 dogs besides my own 8 years ago today. At that time I ran a dog walking business and walked dogs in both Manhattan and Brooklyn. I walked my (client) dog named Detour, to the river and joined a huge crowd of other neighborhood folk, all watching from the shore. Keep in mind planes were flying low over head, we didn't know if we would be hit again. We didn't know if people had got out of the towers or not, or where our friends and neighbors were. The majority of people in my neighborhood ran with their cameras to the rivers edge. On our walk home, Detour and I past the Williamsburg Bridge and saw people streaming over it covered in blackness, the Hasidim had tables set up with water for the victims. Detour's owner was home by then, but couldn't reach his wife. She was in Manhattan but, there was no cell phone service. A man had wondered into his first floor studio and was in shock, he didn't know his name or where he lived.

For days and weeks afterward, we the good people of NY, were in shock. The trains were quiet, no on spoke. The absents of the two large towers was missing from each familiar vantage point in our city. It still is and will always leave an emptiness.

The thing I think about today is, the poop goes on. Through good times and bad, the poop goes on. This day has been twisted and used by some, and you could say that is poop. But I don't want to dwell on that. It was a real thing that happened to real people. It happened and I was there and it shaped who I am today. It makes me long for my friends. I want to go to the Brooklyn Ale House tonight and give Dan a big hug and a kiss. But, the poop goes on and I am here in VA. living a good life and picking up after my Chug. Under the same blue sky...

We all have our own memories and have lived through events that make us who we are. This story I tell is not meant to diminish the experiences of those who were at other sites attacked or even those who watched it on a TV set from a 'safe' place..or even those who at this very moment are living through a personal catastrophic event. I simply hope to remember we are all one people, on one globe, each with our own story, yet still one.

Onward!..the blog ends each post with a hardy Onward! Because surviving is the best revenge and thriving is even better! So be nice, it doesn't hurt. Be supportive when someone is down. Most importantly keep picking up the poop, it makes the world go 'round.

Onward friends!